Bluetooth Wireless Headset (BTH)

The T-61530-30 Bluetooth Wireless behind the head style headset is one of several Bluetooth Wireless headsets configured for use with Tiger Performance mating transceivers and the T-6000 & 6001 Intercom systems.

Behind-the-Head Belt Station Headset

The T-5903A-BS is one of several marine grade heavy duty waterproof headsets configured for use with the T-61706M Belt Stations. This behind the head style headset provides high noise cancelling in high wind and high ambient noise environments.

OTH Dual Ear Cup Bluetooth Wireless

The T-61530-10 Bluetooth Wireless over the head style dual ear headset is one of several Bluetooth Wireless headsets configured for use with Tiger Performance mating transceivers and the T-6000 & 6001 Intercom systems. This headset provides hands free wireless, voice activated and high noise cancelling communications.

Wireless Belt Station Kit

Wireless Water Sealed Headset/Helmet Belt Station Kit.  IP67 Water Submersion Rated, Mil Spec 810 & Shielded Against RFI & EMI

Bluetooth 7-24V Transceiver

The Bluetooth Wireless 7-24V transceiver is high quality and designed to provide many years of reliable service under extreme conditions.

Airman 7

NEXT GENERATION ULTRA-LIGHTWEIGHT HEADSET The AIRMAN 7 builds on the success of its predecessor’s reputation – the AIRMAN 750, the world’s best-selling headset among professional pilots, air fleet operators and aircraft manufacturers.

Airman 8

NEXT GENERATION ULTRA-LIGHTWEIGHT BATTERY-FREE ACTIVE NOISE REDUCTION HEADSET The AIRMAN 8 follows the path of the AIRMAN 850 to join the unmatched Telex lineup of FAA TSO approved Active Noise Reduction aviation headsets with battery-free operation.

Airman 8+

DELUXE ULTRA-LIGHTWEIGHT ANR HEADSET FOR COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS AVIATION Refined design elements and a range of new features that make AIRMAN 8+ the best-performing Telex Airman Active Noise Reduction (ANR) headset to date.

Tactical Headset

Headsettet som er NATO godkjent leveres med standard Peltor tilkobling. Mikrofonen plukker opp stemmen din direkte fra halsen. Designet sørger for at den er 100% vanntett (IP67) og i tillegg er den CE sertifisert som godkjent hørselsvern med 26dB dempning.


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