The sMRT SHIELD is the next generation 406MHz & AIS PLB with Water Activation and Return Link Service (RLS)

The sMRT SHIELD is the next generation 406MHz & AIS PLB with Water Activation and Return Link Service (RLS)
The sMRT Shield utilises two of the world’s most advanced locating technologies, AIS and 406MHz, combining the advantages of both into one device. Local area alerting AIS will automatically activate on immersion in water, which is critical if a person goes overboard unconscious or in a debilitated state, and the 406MHz can be manually activated singlehandedly for worldwide detectability for those who might sail alone or a little further from shore.
What is the sMRT Shield?
The sMRT Shield has been developed to take advantage of the next-generation improvements to the MEOSAR system including the introduction of the new Return Link Service (RLS). The sMRT Shield features a dedicated indicator to inform the user their distress message has been received and give the user peace of mind that help is on the way.
The sMRT Shield is a 406 Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) developed in conjunction with the European GNSS Agency (GSA) for the recreational industry to help save lives at sea in case of a Man Overboard (MOB) situation.
What is MEOSAR?
MEOSAR is the next generation in global distress alerting and location and is available now via the European Galileo satellite system. Search and rescue transponders onboard the positioning satellites relay distress messages to ground stations, providing near real-time alerting and locating.
What is RLS?
On receipt of a distress message SAR authorities can send the PLB a unique message via the MEOSAR satellites that confirms that the distress has been received. MRT’s PLB features a dedicated indicator that informs the user that their distress message has been received and that help is on the way.
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