SafeLink SOLO

Go Faster, Go Further, Go SOLO.

The SafeLink SOLO Personal Location Beacon (PLB) gives you direct contact with Search and Rescue services when a life threatening incident occurs anywhere in the world.

The SafeLink SOLO Category 2 406 MHz GPS Personal Location Beacon (PLB) takes your personal safety to a new level. Whether you enjoy boating, diving or any outdoor pursuit which takes you to remote locations around the world, the SafeLink SOLO PLB gives you direct contact with search and rescue services when a life threatening incident occurs anywhere in the world.

The ultra-small SafeLink SOLO is tough and durable, lightweight and compact, designed to be carried with you at all times. The size of the SafeLink SOLO and it’s non-slip rubber armour; designed to protect it in the harshest environments, means the compact life saver can be tucked into a pocket, pouch or personal kit bag and forgotten about until needed.

SafeLink SOLO is waterproof to 10 metres and activation is simple. It is supplied complete with a lanyard, a buoyancy pouch and a universal carry pouch; which can be attached to a belt or strap, keeping the SOLO close to hand, in case a life threatening situation necessitates alerting search and rescue organisations.

  • FCC approved
  • Internationally approved
  • Subscription-free & no call charges
  • Compact, light and durable
  • Waterproof to 10m and buoyant when used with flotation pouch.
  • True global emergency alerting via COSPAS-SARSAT satellites
  • 406 MHz international distress signal and 121.5 MHz homing signal
  • 50 channel integral GPS
  • Minimum of 24 hours continuous operation
  • Simple 3 stage activation
  • Operates at temperatures down to -20°C
  • SOS LED flash light
  • Self-test up to 12 times per year
  • 6 year replaceable battery life
  • Flotation pouch, lanyard and universal pouch included.


OBS: Du må selv søke om utstyrstillatelse 

Bruk av PLB krever at du personlig har utstyrstillatelse fra Nkom (Nasjonal Kommunikasjonsmyndighet).

Søknad må fylles ut av deg og godkjennes av Nkom før enheten blir programmert hos oss. Husk å oppgi i feltet “E-post til programmerer” i søknaden; da får vi all nødvendig informasjon for programmering direkte fra Nkom.

Søk om utsytrstillatelse på
– Søknad om tillatelse til bruk av personlig nødpeilesender (NKOMPLB01)


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